Evs question bank with answers

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The objective is to enable positive identification of customers by their respective Banks; and to prevent money laundering. A: Doing a very good job, growing my skills and perhaps managing a bank. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: In the developing and developed economic system, banks play a very important role in economic development. As a result I topped in my college in 3 subjects — which are Management Accountancy, Micro Economics and Financial Management. Bank tellers are also assist clients in buying and selling currency. A ship made of iron floats on water. Mangoes Round the Year Very short answer questions I. Name any two states that have thin forests. If you liked this article and found it useful then share it with your friends on Social Media. Explain the classification of biodiversity. Short answer questions a What is the meaning of the word Changthang?

Career in Banking Banking is a very lucrative field to make career in. Thousands of fresh graduates as well as experienced professional all over the world prefer to become Banker. Banking career has its own charm and style just like any other equally important career line such as Medicine, Marketing and Law etc. Of course, your selection in a Bank is not so easy and it requires right academic qualifications, aptitude, sincerity, dedication and experience if applying for other than entry level position. In case you are looking forward to make a career in Banking Industry then you will benefit immensely from the following Common Bank Interview Questions with Answers. Each country has banks which may be regional, national or international level players. For example, some of the well known and large international banks are Crédit Agricole Group, BNP Paribas, Royal Bank of Scotland, Citigroup, HSBC Holdings, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Bank of China, Barclays PLC etc. These top banks have their asset value in billions of dollars. A job in banking services demands the very best of you. The job profile in banking sector is not only dynamic and challenging but it also puts you at the very heart of money management. The finance and banking industry offers a variety of avenues for graduates from various academic disciplines, such as Analyst, Customer Relationship Management, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking Consultant, Researchers Or Tax Analysts, Equity Or Fixed Income Analysts, Financial Planner, Risk Assessment, Credit Department, Loan manager or Project Managers. The line you chose or the option available to you depends on your basic qualification, previous experience, if any and whether you love face-to-face interaction or prefer crunching numbers behind the scenes. Interview sessions are considered tough by many, as it involves speaking out. Here are some commonly asked bank interview questions methods to answer them. Common Bank Interview Questions To begin with, you may just watch this video for Common Bank Interview Questions Do you need Interview Coaching? Tips: The probability that you are likely to be asked this question is at least 80%. I have a natural interest in Finance and Economics. As a result I topped in my college in 3 subjects — which are Management Accountancy, Micro Economics and Financial Management. I have done a project in this field at Ericsson and have attended two seminars held at Institute of Chartered Accountants, which have given me great exposure to current industry standards. My mother is also a banker and father is MBA and head of marketing with a telecom company. I am the only child of my parents. With this background, I am confident of excelling as Treasury Officer in your bank. The above script is just an example; hence you should make your own answer. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: Question 1. Suggestions for Answer: This is a good question. You have share with the interviewer that the scope of finding a job by an engineer is not restricted to manufacturing or technical sectors only and you are quite versatile. Sample Answer: Banking sector has evolved tremendously in the recent past. Banks are no more offering banking services through its branches. Because of a number of products and services being offered by the banks, the bank has reached the home and office of its customers. For example, use of ATM has allowed the customer draw cash from any machine 24 x 7. Similarly mobile banking allows the customers to view the balance and also do the transactions on the go. Hence technology is the need of the day as modern banking rides on IT and future banking will need more of technology. Also banks need interactive websites and mobile banking which are fast and secure. Marketing of Banking operations now use large social media platforms. For such highly evolved and booming industry, there is a growing need for tech savvy and enthusiastic professional with strong interpersonal skills. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: Question 1. Tips: Talking about why the Banking Sector is the fastest growing sector can help impress the selectors. Therefore, have some facts and figures ready as to why Banking is the fastest growing sector. Sample Answer: Banking sector has evolved tremendously along the development of economy and the development of technology. Role of banking is not just limited to its basic role of lending money and taking deposits. Over a period of time, this scope has been widened. Banks are contributing to facilitation of trade, encouraging the savings, bolstering of investments, transfer of funds, providing financial support to core sectors like agriculture and manufacturing. This has created demand for adequate professional management who can use modern managerial techniques and practices in banking industry. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: Do you need Interview Coaching? Suggestions for Answer: To answer this question, the candidate should have done some serious study about the scenario of banking at Regional, National and International Level. In fact this is not a simple question and it has many hidden questions which want to check the knowledge and level of understanding of the candidate along with his awareness. Sample Answer: Banking sector has successfully been adding new products and innovative services to its basket of products being offered to retail customer and institutional customers. I think the banking sector will keep its goal to accelerate the growth. Secondly each bank would like to optimize its costs of marketing and distribution so as to keep its overheads low without effecting its reach or quality of services. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: Question 3. Suggestions for Answer: This question is a natural extension of the previous question. If the candidate has given a good answer then there is all likelihood of the interviewer asking this question. To answer this question, the candidate should have done some deep thinking beforehand about the Banking scenario, its business practices and the marketing strategies. Sample Answer: We are living in a digital age, where everyday technological innovations our style of living, doing the business and even the way we do a commercial transaction. The banks will have to catch up and offer a Multi Channel Optimization b Digital Distribution and most importantly c Effective Sales Efforts. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: Question 3. Suggestions for Answer: To be specific, the interview board wants to understand the future vision of the candidate. Sample Answer: Banking sector has to achieve competitive differentiation; banks must define a clear strategy and customer proposition, and then develop the capabilities to reach these goals. By following this next-generation approach, banks can position for growth, improve performance and achieve a competitive advantage—in the near- and long-term. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: In the developing and developed economic system, banks play a very important role in economic development. Commercial banks are an important part of the financial system of the country. Banks perform a number of important functions. For example, commercial banks encouraging people to save. Secondly, the banks mobilize the savings of the individuals and organisations for the purpose of investments in various sectors of the economy. Thirdly, commercial banks help the process of capital formation. Fourthly, banks facilitate monetary transactions in foreign trade. Fifthly, banks provide instruments for the money to exchange hands without actually having physical money such as online transfer, Letter of Credit, ATM, Debit card, Credit Card etc. Overall, banks promote a balanced regional development in the country by providing essential financial infrastructure and funds for economic development. Also you may like to watch this video : Question 3. Why it is important? Tips This is a question asked to check about your general knowledge and general awareness, specifically related to the banking industry. Therefore, please provide a crisp and short answer. It is a process prescribed by Reserve Bank of India. Banks are required to obtain information about the identity and address of the customers. The K Y C procedure is to be completed by the banks while opening accounts. It is also applicable to old account opened with K Y C. The objective is to enable positive identification of customers by their respective Banks; and to prevent money laundering. Relating to this question, you may like to watch this video also: Question 3. Therefore, please provide a correct and precise answer. Tips This is a question asked to check about your specific knowledge on the subject and general awareness, relating to the banking industry. Therefore, please provide a crisp and correct answer. Sample Answer The Reserve Bank of India was established in 1935 and it was nationalized in 1949. Working Style Related Questions Question 4. HR Questions Question 5. These are: Interview Tip 1 Reach before time As a serious candidate you must reach well before time. Make sure to reach about 30 minutes before the scheduled time of interview. Increase this cushion period if the traffic in your city is unpredictably heavy or you are going to a far off location and you are unsure of the location or if there are a few formalities to be completed before you may appear before the interview panel or a combination of these. Interview Tip 2 Carry all Supportive Documents In case you have been told then make sure to carry all the original documents for verification purpose as you may not be allowed to appear in the Interview. Interview Tip 3 Be prepared to be there for 2 — 3 Hours There could be a number of reasons which may require you to be present at interview venue for more than the actual interview time. For example, there could be certain formalities to be completed, or you may be required to wait for the results of first round and if selected there could be a second round soon after or simply the number of candidates present for the interview may make the scheduling go off track. So carry some water or sandwiches or cookies — just in case. Interview Tip 4 Be Natural, Calm and Composed It is quite natural that you may be a bit nervous or anxious before or during the Interview questions answers session. But practice deep breathing, take control of your emotions, think positive to put your best foot forward. If you liked this article and found it useful then share it with your friends on Social Media. Your feedback please If you have any questions, doubts, suggestions or an experience to share then feel free to write in the comment box below. If you liked this article and found it useful then share it with your friends on Social Media. Stay tuned for more tips, suggestions, information and videos. We conduct workshops, training programs and one to one counseling sessions, where we teach , , , and other aspects of the job search such as , , and. All you have to do is call us at 0919873372726 or 01143022692, 01143022693!! He has also formally learnt Digital Marketing and Website Making. In 1995 he pioneered the concept of professional Career Counselling, Executive Coaching and Mentoring. The unique style of Sundeep Kataria is that he connects with each and every individual personally, holds in depth discussion before undertaking the assignment.

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